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This webcast series and supporting materials was developed by the Chronic Conditions faculty in conjunction with OmniaMed Communications. The sponsoring companies have had no input into the agenda, speaker selection, presentations or collateral content, with the exception of the symposium sessions, for which the respective sponsoring companies are fully responsible.

Chronic Conditions Month 2025

Join us for a series of interactive webinars and podcasts to help you optimise care for people with chronic conditions.

May 2025 13:00-15:00

What is it all about?

Lord Darzi’s 2024 report delivered a shocking description of the NHS: although healthcare professionals are doing everything they can to deliver high-quality care, the organisation is in crisis. It is clear that significant changes are needed to help the NHS weather the challenges ahead and create a service that is “fit for the future”.

As we look forward to the publication of the new NHS 10-Year Health Plan, join the Chronic Conditions faculty throughout May as they consider what reforms might be expected and how they might impact the care for people with long-term conditions. The month begins with a lively debate on how the plan might change primary care practice, followed by a series of interactive clinical educational sessions focusing on the most recent guidelines, evidence and developments across a range of chronic conditions.

What does this series offer?

  • A live panel discussion reflecting on what the 2025 10-Year Health Plan might mean for chronic conditions care
  • A series of seven webinars covering a wide range of common long-term conditions:

Hear hot topics and latest updates on detection, diagnosis and management of the most common chronic conditions

Hear our faculty discuss how they anticipate primary care might change under the new plan

Listen to podcasts on various topical issues in the management of chronic conditions

Get your burning questions answered during live Q&As


Debate Live Session 2025

Keeping chronic conditions care fit for the future

  • What could the 2025 10-Year Health Plan mean for long-term conditions care?
  • Hospital to community: What impact could this have on primary care resources, and what is the role of social care and public health departments?
  • Analogue to digital: How can digitalisation benefit multiple long-term conditions management – and what are the possible pitfalls?
  • Sickness to prevention: How can we help patients manage their lifestyle to stay healthier for longer? How much responsibility lies with patients themselves?

Debate Live Session 2025


Session 1: Diabetes and the Liver 

  • What is MASLD (formerly known as NAFLD)?
  • Screening and diagnosis in primary care
  • The relationship between MASLD and cardiovascular disease
  • Best practice in managing MASLD, and how to advise patients on lifestyle changes
  • Assessing a patient’s risk of fibrosis and knowing when to refer


Session 2: Early Onset Type 2 Diabetes

  • What is the significance of a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes in people under 40?
  • Approach to management of early-onset type 2 diabetes in primary care – including a case study
  • Ideas for Quality Improvement projects 


Mental Health

Session 1: Hot topics in mental health

  • “Pick & mix” of current hot topics
  • Latest evidence on risk factors for dementia


Session 2: Neurodiversity: what is it and how do we manage it?

  • Prevalence of neurodiversity and overlap with other mental health conditions
  • Diagnosing and managing neurodiversity across all ages, from children to adults



Session 1: Prescribing weight loss medication in general practice

  • Practicalities of prescribing GLP1/GIP medications and special precautions
  • Overview of current evidence for additional benefits in CKD, CV risk and addiction


Session 2: Effective diet and lifestyle interventions for patients with obesity

  • Dietary and lifestyle advice in weight management – a review of current evidence for different diets
  • Tailoring dietary advice to individual patients



Session 1: Palpitations

  • Palpitations – a framework for assessing and managing this commonly-seen symptom in primary care
  • Taking a history and red flags to exclude
  • Common causes of palpitations
  • Risk stratification (including ECG changes not to miss) and who needs specialist assessment

Session 2: Insomnia as a cardiovascular risk factor

  • The definition and burden of Chronic Insomnia and establishing a diagnosis
  • The Cardiovascular consequences of chronic insomnia
  • Treatment options for insomnia



Session 1: Coming soon 

Session 2: Coming soon



Session 1: Preventing chronic kidney disease (CKD) progression

  • CKD as a national health priority: Estimates of future demand for kidney replacement therapy
  • Management guidelines and new interventions to delay or prevent progression of CKD
  • Safe and effective initiation of treatments for CKD


Session 2: Managing comorbidities in people with kidney disease

  • Prevalence of cardiac or metabolic disease in people with kidney disease
  • Efficient and effective interventions for the management of cardiorenal metabolic disease
  • Streamlining multidisciplinary management across both primary and secondary care



Session 1: New asthma guidelines and what they mean for primary care

  • Understanding and applying the new British guidance on diagnosis and management of asthma
  • Diagnosis and management of pre-school wheeze

Session 2: Hot topics in respiratory

  • Insights into hot topics in respiratory medicine, including pulse oximetry management of COPD, PRISm (preserved ratio impaired spirometry) and pre-COPD


The Chronic Conditions Faculty

Kashif Ali

GP Partner and Primary Care Lead for Diabetes MCN

Kashif qualified in 2001 from the University of Glasgow and has been practicing as a GP since 2005. He is currently a partner at the Nithsdale Merryvale Group and primary care lead for Diabetes in NHS Glasgow. He is a GP trainer and a Diabetes UK Clinical Champion.

Kashif has an interest in Obesity and hold SCOPE (Strategic Centre for Obesity Professional Education) certification.

Peter Bagshaw

GP and NHS Somerset Clinical Lead for Mental Health, Autism, Learning Disability and Dementia

Peter Bagshaw has been a GP for over 30 years. He has held posts as Senior Clinical Fellow at the Department of Primary Care at Bristol University, the national Improvement and Assessment Framework Board and the Director of the South West Dementia Clinical Network. He is a co-author of the NHS publication “Older Persons Mental Health, a Practice Primer” and author of “Daggers of the Mind”, a novel, as well as being a regular contributor to Pulse and other magazines.

He is NHS Somerset Clinical Lead for Mental Health, Autism, Learning Disability and Dementia, and the national clinical coordinator of the DEMON network which uses AI to improve dementia research.

His outside interests include painting, Shotokan Karate and quantum mechanics.

Sarah Davies

GPwSI in Diabetes, Cardiff

Sarah is a GP in Cardiff with a special interest in diabetes. She qualified at the University of Wales College of Medicine in 2003 and initially trained as a physician, before making the move into general practice and never looked back! She has continued her interest in diabetes and presents regularly on the subject to colleagues at local and national meetings. She is passionate about general practice, particularly great quality diabetes care in the primary care setting.

She is the Clinical Director for Diabetes in primary care for Cardiff and Vale UHB and All Wales lead for diabetes in primary care. She is a Diabetes UK Clinical Champion, Primary Care Diabetes Society committee member and a presenter for NB Medical Hot Topics, leading their diabetes course.

Steve Holmes

GP, Shepton Mallet and Clinical Respiratory Lead, NHS England South West and NHS Somerset

Steve has been a GP partner since 1989 and continues working clinically 5 sessions per week. He is a passionate generalist – but has a respiratory specialist interest. Steve has worked nationally and internationally on respiratory issues – and has more than 200 publications on respiratory topics. He has been involved in national and international guidelines and has worked to promote good quality care for people with long term conditions. He works on educational issues in primary and secondary care – and has regular involvement with Asthma and Lung UK as well as more local patient groups in encouraging change in practice.

He has worked in service development since fundholding in the 1990s through many changes and remains passionate to make a difference.

Steve enjoys music, running, watching rugby and time spent with his wife and two daughters.

Dr Yassir Javaid

GPwSI Cardiology, Northampton

Dr Javaid qualified from Cambridge University and completed his VTS training in Northampton. He has a specialist interest in cardiology and echocardiography and was a clinical lead in the Northamptonshire Community Cardiology service, which had a focus on patients with heart failure and valve disease.

He was named Pulse “GP of the Year” in 2015 for his work in reducing stroke emergency admissions in the East Midlands. He is on the editorial board for the British Journal of Cardiology.

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